Adding and Subtracting Integers in C++

Welcome to C++ programming language. if you are new to C++, you have chosen a good platform to becoming a  better programmer.
today, we will show you how to use the C++ language to input two integers and compute the sum and difference between the two. 

Now ;This program uses the input stream object std::cin and the stream extraction
Operator, >>, to obtain two integers typed by a user at the keyboard, computes the sum and difference of these values and outputs the result using std::cout.


int main()
int number1;
int number2;
int sum; 
int difference; 

std::cout<< "Enter first integer:";

std::cout<<"Enter Second Integer:";

sum = number1 + number2; 
difference = number1 - number2; 

std::cout<<"Sum is:"<<sum<<std::endl; 
std::cout<<"Difference is:"<<difference<<std::endl



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