Printing Your First C++ Program

Welcome to C++
If you are here, it means you have taken a very big step to a very lucrative journey ahead to become one of those with super powers of coding, and what better way to start than with C++

I won't bore you with much talk cause this blog is all about codes and codes, but before you start coding in C++ you require an IDE (Integrated Device Environment) which will assist you in writing and running your C++ programs. I would recommend Code::Blocks with gnu gcc compiler (Which supports C programming Language too), which is the best compiler to start with for beginners and which i like using most. 

To make use of the IDE, install and open the code blocks,  Write the C++ code and save the file with .cpp extension. To save the file, go to File > Save (Shortcut: Ctrl + S). To run the program, go to Build > Build and Run.

Now let's go ahead with what brought you here which is  writing your first C++ code.
The code below illustrates just how to do that.

 #include <iostream> 

 int main()
 std::cout << "Welcome to C++!\n"

 return 0


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